Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Module 2 Motivating Adult Learners Outline

In this section there will be further insight to conducting and identify the special needs and requirements to teach adult learners.

Consequently, there will be comparisons and contrasts made between the issues of two theorists in social development, Conrad and Brakey, and to interpret their ideas and points of view with other theorists including Green, Fernandez, Hill, and Kyong The foundation of this section will identify and examine current research development that will emerge and expand the educational environment. There will be a concentration in the area of best teaching practices and how it affects the adult learners when they compete with their peers to achieve educational goals.

According to Conrad (2009), there is a popular uprising in adult education programs due to the flexibility and convenience offered to them as online learners. However, reports have revealed that there is a significant amount of adult learners withdrawing within the first few weeks of the courses due to the online educators failure to create social construction of knowledge that promotes initiative as well as creativity; most of them fail to establish a high level trust within the learning environment.

Educators must learn to reinforce their learning skills by using their best teaching methods. In a recent article “Development of a User-Friendly Instrument for Identifying the Learning Strategy Preferences of Adults” by Conti (2009), he points out that to reinforce a learner’s skill, the educator must identify the adult preferences in their learning needs. This can be accomplished by using the method known as ATLAS, which is a learning method that is used to quickly identify the learning strategy preferences of adults. ALTLAS can be used for either self-assessment or, an educator can use it in order to quickly identify how an individual learner approaches learning.

Finally, researchers have found that educators are delivering positive reinforcement in their role of teaching. Results show that the proposed approach increases the motivation of the adult's task familiarity.

The PowerPoint for Motivating Adult Learners will establish a platform to examine and determine which learning approach would be a best practice approach to help motivate adult learners there are critical elements of learning that are needed to ensure that adults learn.

Presentation section:

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Conrad, D. (2009). Cognitive, Instructional, and Social Presence as Factors in Learners' Negotiation of Planned Absences From Online Study. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10, 18-18.

Blake, B. & Green, B. (2009). Agent customized training for human learning performance enhancement. Computers & Education, 53, 966 -976.

Conrad, D. (2009). Cognitive, Instructional, and Social Presence as Factors in Learners' Negotiation of Planned Absences From Online Study. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10, 18-18.

Conti, G. (2009) Development of a User-Friendly Instrument for Identifying the Learning Strategy Preferences of Adults. Teaching & Teacher Education, 25, 887-896.

Fernandez, M. (2006). Collaborative recruitment of diverse teachers for the long haul team: Teacher Education for the Advancement of a Multicultural Society Multicultural Education, 14, 50-56.

Hill, A. & Kop , R. (2008), Connectivism: Learning Theory of the Future of Vestige of the Past? International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9, 1-13.

Kyong K. (2009). Motivational challenges of adult learners in self directed e-learning. Journal of Interactive Learning Research,, 20, 317-335

Loyens, S. & Rikers, R. & Schmidt, H. (2009). Students' Constructivist Learning in Different Programme Years and Different Learning Environments. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 501-514.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

In a recent article written by Durrington (2006), reveals online education has grown to be more popular throughout the Nation Education System because of the public grants which enable two year and four year degree programs offered distance education courses. However, the high demands of online programs created a new era with difficulty challenges facing administrators and at educators because of the lack of experiences teaching online programs.

According to Durrington (2006) online learning environment must develop the appropriate strategies to increase students interactivity to engage in online learning. Durrington (2006) discusses the following strategies and tools that would make a difference in students participation in a online environment;

Discussion section

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Assessing Collaborative Efforts

Blog Posting: Assessing Collaborative Efforts

Week 3 Discussion Question:

As an instructor, there are several issues to consider:

1- First, how should participation in a collaborative learning community be

How do the varying levels of skill and knowledge students bring to a course
affect the instructor's "fair and equitable assessment" of learning?

2- Second, if a student does not want to network or collaborate in a learning
community for an online course, what should the other members of the learning
community do?

What role should the instructor play? What impact would this have on his or her
assessment plan?

Discussion section

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Element of Distance Education Diffusion

Module 2: Assignment 1 Discussion Question:

Element of Distance Education Diffusion

According to George Siemens (2009), there are four major reasons why Distance Education is becoming more popular in today's business, education, and government.

In this week video, George Siemens (2009) point out the following major reasons:
- The Enormous growth of online communication
- The Rising growth of innovative tools
- The Improving of online trust
- The Ability to have access to quality education without discrimination

According to George Siemens (2009) emphasizes, Corporations benefits Distance Education because it allows collaboration among business sites globally.

Distance Education major impact are the following:

- New communication programs and peripherals
- The rising growth of multimedia games and simulations
- The growing population amongst experts

George Siemens (2009) explains the three elements of distance education that are creating more effective learning experiences and giving distance education an identity of its own distance from face -to-face courses.

George Siemens (2009)states the following elements:
- Global diversity
- Communication
- Collaborative interaction

To examine the growing acceptance of distance Element of Distance Education which George Siemens (2009) discusses in the video, and explain the following:

1 - Do you agree with George Siemens choices?
2 - Then select one of these three elements for your reflecting,
and respond to the following:

a) How has this element evolves?
b) What online tools are available today to facilitate
interactions among learners?

Discussion section

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Module 2: Strengths, Limitations, and Issues of Distance Education

Week 2: Module 2: Strengths, Limitations, and Issues of Distance Education


Case Study:To evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
to determine is there a need for an online programs at Ponder University.

The SWOT analysis procedure would be used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to make the final decision.

a) Chapter 4 - Understanding E-Learning,Anderson textbook, The Theory and Practice
of Online Learning, written by Heather Kanuka. Kanuka
B) Chapter 13 - The Quality Dilemma, Anderson textbook, The Theory and Practice
of Online Learning, written by Nancy Parker.

Discussion section

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Chapter two

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daniel 's BLOG